We routinely help our customers determine which dumpsters and pickup schedules are best for their projects. With our same-day service, you never lose time hauling your debris to the landfill. Whether you’re looking for a toter, container, or full-sized dumpster, we offer a clean and safe rental experience for any type of business.
New Rule Requiring Trash Containerization for Food-Related Businesses
Effective July 30, 2023 the DSNY published a rule proposing all food-related businesses, including restaurants, delis, grocery stores, bodegas, and caterers, will be required to put trash and compostable materials into secure containers instead of placed in bags directly on the street.

In collaboration with the city’s efforts, Classic Recycling is offering all customers 32-gallon, 64-gallon and 96-gallon totes and tote straps.

We also provide toter straps, which offers the following benefits:
1. Prevents pests and animals from accessing garbage
2. Seals in odors
3. Holds lids down
4. Keeps garbage inside to avoid spill-out
5. Contains waste securely while awaiting curbside pickup
6. Maintains sanitary conditions around your business